Some thoughts from a Twitter thread I did as the results of Lok Sabha Elections 2019 poured in, giving a massive mandate to BJP and Narendra Modi.
So, another five years under a despicable and narcissistic leader.
Yes, no respect of the person on the chair for me. I extended the courtesy (and congratulated him and his supporters) in 2014, but he’s not been worth it.
There was a façade in 2014 and the pretension of a development agenda. None this time, and hence he got voted for his brand of communal, hateful politics. His bigoted voters do not care about India and its institutions.
The opposition did what it could (could’ve done better, of course) but it is hard to fight a despicable party with potty-mouth leadership with a hateful propaganda built on lies and terrific media manipulation.
Rahul Gandhi did well to fight his false character/personality assassination and the 2014 decimation and even came up trumps in media interactions or offering a progressive manifesto this time around.
But Modi-Shah are too vile for normal men to fight.
When a hatemonger Ananth Kumar Hegde or a terror-accused Pragya Thakur look set to win, you know what’s on voters’ minds.
I’ll just urge his followers to be open about it and not hide your bigotry under lofty terms like national security which they only learn about on WhatsApp.
So, another five years of hell. Another five years of paid trolls and unpaid bigots hounding us on Twitter. Another five years of being ashamed of Modi’s chichhorapan.
But, fight we must. Resist we must. India is still not Modi. We’re bigger, and better.
This election wasn’t won on issues… not on the promise of jobs, not on fighting agrarian distress, not on sinking economy. Hence, you’ll not see these addressed. Keep snorting the nationalism and revel in the muck around.
you suck 🤣 but you don’t know it
I guess, in that case, BJP government is better than me. It sucks, and knows it well.